In the aftermath of Haiti’s devastating 2010 earthquake, grappling with PTSD, filmmaker Luke A. Renner set out on a healing journey that would eventually unlock an older, deeper, childhood trauma he had lost in time. In his pursuit of personal healing, Luke would eventually uncover the insidious reality of psychological trauma and a public health crisis that’s been quietly wreaking havoc on humanity. In the documentary "What Lies Inside", Luke sets out to expose an unspoken truth that he discovered, a truth about the darkness that binds us to our suffering. With the help of world-renowned experts, fellow survivors, and creators from around the globe, this film seeks to illuminate what lies inside us all, a truth that, when faced, may finally set us free.
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Writer & Director | Producer
David has over 15 years of experience in advertising and entertainment. In 2012, after a freelance career as a director, producer, and director of photography, he cofounded Tilt23 Studios (formerly The Story Shop) with Luke Renner. The company serves a variety of clients and produces and develops independent projects, including the documentary "What Lies Inside." David still serves as a director, producer, and director of photography while leading operations at Tilt23 Studios.
Producer | Director of Photography